"Poli of America S.G.", the American legal structure constituted as an NGO, running as a Charity Business with a bank account opened back in February 2019, has consumed its first Fans and Friends Convention on the "field" voted by the members at the beginning of '19: Chicago. The event happened in two different days, September 28th and 29th.

The host, Steven Bonica, shown his mannered elegance and organizing and leadership skills on this very 1st Convention at the Headquarters of his bi-weekly Journal, Tribuna Românească (Romanian Tribune) at no charge, without asking anything as a return. Even more, he promised he will remain our technical and logistic sponsor every year, as long as he'll be running his business in Chicago.

On the eventuality that is wasn't good enough, Steven brought in for our Convention nobody else but the General Consulate Official, Alexandru Tănase, who was pleasantly surprised by Politehnica Timişoara North American supporters commitment and devotion, who mobilized for this meeting over 50% of the card holders in the United States and Canada, addresing a kind speach and congratulating us and the Club Board from Timişoara for this unbelievable story: a team exclusively supporrers owned and run, which is a unique thing in Romanian football, either we call it soccer over the ocean.

Steven also brought the well known local Romanian folk music artist, Olimpiu Daniel Bodea, who performed a great entertaining show on Saturday night.

Tavi Marazan, one of "Poli of America S.G." Board Executives as a General Secretary, took care of all the culinary tasks, a fact that compensated the absence of another Board Executives, as Ciprian Matei, CT, respectivelly Tim Sas, our Advisor from MN. Both of them were excused by Narcis Drăgan, the CEO who came in Chicago after a long flight from CA.

There were some other excused important official members as Narcis Bobic or Soren Balea, but they won't miss the event anymore in the next year.

Altough it was a short two days event, there were over 30 Poli folks with a small or vaste suppprters experience, who prooved their devotion for the colors along the years. All the attendants were greeted by Seba Novovic, "Mihalcea" with a recorded video message.

The technical part fully emphasized what and how we should do to better manage the destiny and success of North American family of white-purple supporters which , at the end of the workshop, brought in a couple of new official members present at the Convention, from Chicago and who lived in Timişoara, Steven's friends that didn't even know that Poli has a legal business entity representing them. Well, that was a great surprise.

But the biggest surprise was produced by our high valued official member, Ramon Radosav, a former "Cargo" (Romanian Rock Band) team member, who performed for us something that will be famous: the "Poli of America" official Anthem, helped by Dan Purcea and Adrian Nechiti, with "Vox Maris" Band, Chicago.

The audience couldn't hold on sitting, so the white people Politehnica friends and fans "made some waves", as it happens on the stadiums during a match. They also played the song along with Ramon and the Band with pride and a significant level of passion. Till the next Convention, everybody will learn the lyrics, which will be as familiar as "Zi cu soare" (Sunny Day), which was performed at the beginning of the event.

The party continued long during the night, both local Poli lovers and those white-purples who came from shorter or longer distances from other states sharing their stories lived in the City crossed by Bega River.

On Sunday morning, during a short meeting and enjoying a Poli cake, there were established the coordinates of the 2020 Poli of America 2nd Convention and there was considered Poli of America supporters attendance to the Centenary, on December 4th of 2021, in Timişoara - subject to be debated on the next scheduled term. It would be a project of landing in UK, gathering with local Great Britain supporters and picking up others and others, as the Spain, Germany or Czech Republic white purple addicts along our way to our beloved Banat capital city, Timişoara.

The ride on Michigan Lake was the last on the list of such a short weekend. But the strength of the bonds that occured there, on "Tribuna Românească" Headquarters, will last for a lifetime. Maybe is was tough at the beginnings, in the Old Albion, but this proved itself to be a catalyst of a great example that everything's possible. When there is a will, there's a way. And the American Poli folks found it!

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